About the Maritime Bookshop

Captain Peter Corbett Born out of the necessity to sourcegood quality chart work instruments from reputable and established British sources. Instruments that can be depended on to perform to a standard that would be expected from any discerning mariner, professional or not. Today still a small and independent entity The Maritime Bookshops ships world wide to its customers who include. The Ministry of Defence, GS4, The Irish Coastguard, Tasmanian Seafood Industries, RN Defence Advisory Training Team, Utiliddimo, Servizi just to mention a few.

Captain Peter Corbett AFNI

Captain Peter Corbett has 45 years sea going service with 23 years serving as Master mostly in the offshore resources and offshore construction industry, world-wide from the North Sea to the South China Sea from Labrador to the Tasmania Sea. Captain Corbett is a Member of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners, Associate Fellow of Nautical Institute. Member of Council for the NI and NGO delegate for the NI at the I.M.O Maritime Safety Council as well as Independent Consultant and Technical Auditor for companies in the offshore oil and energy renewable sectors as well as an independent Consultant to the Nautical Institute for Accreditation of Dynamic Positioning Training Centres.